Jagriti Yatra 2014: 5 Key Things I’m Looking Forward To!
The only thing I regretted in 2013 was my inability to attend Jagriti Yatra. I got selected for Jagriti Yatra 2013 but couldn’t really go due to some personal issues, I missed it a lot. I planned for everything and at the last moment, I was forced to cancel the trip. So I made sure I shouldn’t miss this year’s yatra trip. I got selected again and this time, I decided to make use of each and every second there. In this post, I have mentioned some 5 key things … [READ MORE]
Why Taking A Nap (School, Work or Home) Is Necessary For Productivity
I don’t really want to quote any medical research or case study here to prove this because this post is my personal experience as well. Being a habitual nap-taker made me a productive (and interactive) person. I don’t feel guilty about it. Well, if you feel guilty, then I’ll let you know that famous celebrities and renowned personalities like Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy, etc., are regular nappers and they all believe this made them better (mind & body). I never really got a chance … [READ MORE]
Why Traveling Makes You A Better Person
Traveling not just makes you a better person but also makes you a smarter person. I’m not a great traveler, but I used to roam a lot for several reasons. I became more adaptable as I traveled. It made me occupied and curious. The more you travel the more you’ll learn about others and most importantly about yourself. Post by MoviesDrop. It Makes You More Confident The aim is to come out of your comfort zone and live a different life. You’ll be independent and you’ll make your own choices … [READ MORE]
Dear Idiotic & Foolish Bridegrooms, Virginity ≠ Purity.
I was confused whether I should scold the movies or the society for this myth? Almost 2014 and we are living a life our ancestors dreamt of. But still some stuff came along and one of them is about “Virginity”. Though it is difficult for me to write about this topic, I wanted to write this topic hoping it could change few bridegrooms and save few lives. I remember reading this somewhere, not sure whether it was WhatsApp or Facebook, but it got my attention very much, it was like … [READ MORE]